At the beginning of the XVI century, the various ethnic groups inhabiting the territory of modern Argentina: Tehuelches ( in present-day Patagonia ), Rehuelches, Rampas, Matacos ( in the areas of Chaco, Salta and Tucuman ), Guaycures, Huerpes, Diaguitas, Mapuches ( in Neuquén, Rio Negro, Chubut, . Dr..
When at the beginning of the XVI century the first Europeans arrived in Argentina, American natives have stopped the progress of the Incas to the south of the territory of Peru through Bolivia to the north in the direction of the Argentine.
At 1516g. Spaniard Juan Solis landed on the banks of the Rio de la Plata, but the Indians had a conquistador resistance, and the expedition failed. Four years later, Magellan went up the Rio de la Plata in search of the waterway, which relate the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Convinced that such a path does not exist, Magellan continued his voyage to the south and spent the winter on the shores of Patagonia. It is here that the first meeting with the Indians Tehuelches, which Magellan called Patagonians. Hence the name of the region, located in the extreme south of Argentina. Later Magellan discovered the strait that bears his name, and connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.
At 1527g. Sebastian Cabot and his rival Diego Garcia were on the rivers Parana and Paraguay. They established a small fort of Sancti Spiritus at the intersection of the rivers and Karan Koronda near the scene of their connection with the p. Parana. But two years later, the fort was destroyed by the Indians, and Cabot and Garcia returned to Spain.
Eight years later, in the 1535g. Pedro de Mendoza, being at the head of the expedition, which had a large number of horses and provisions, founded the fort of Santa Maria del Buen Ayre, the capital of modern Argentina. A little time later, prevented the natives of Mendoza, and the fort was abandoned them, he returned to his homeland Mendoza. However, he arranged to send a small expedition led by Juan de Ayolasa along the river. Parana. Ayolas left to command the expedition IRAL, and he went to Peru ( Pizarro had already won ). Fate unknown Ayolasa. We only know that the 1537g. Irala and his men founded Asunción (the capital of modern Paraguay ), the natives of this area showed less hostility. The Spaniards did not take these attempts to organize an expedition to colonize the territory that is now Argentina. Only 1573g. of Asuncion in a southerly direction was directed group, which has strengthened in the area which we know as the modern city of Santa Fe. Seven years later, on June 11 1580g. Juan de Garay, restored Santa Maria del Buen Ayre. However, only when the receiver Hernando Arias Saavedra (1592-1614) found a new colony by.
Nevertheless, a number of expeditions organized in Argentina from the territories of Peru and Chile, have succeeded. The first expedition took place at 1543g. In the second half of the XVI century, these expeditions have followed the path of the Incas, have led to the creation of the oldest cities in Argentina in the east of the Andes: Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, Cordoba, Salta, La Rioja, Jujuy, and San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, .
In 1776 was created Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, which consisted of Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and part of Bolivia, with its capital in g. Buenos Aires. In 1805 and 1806 the military part of the Kingdom of Great Britain were defeated in their attempts to conquer the city of Buenos Aires. The big bourgeoisie led the revolutionary movement in 1810. As a result of the victory which had formed the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. May 25 1810. City Council announced the dissolution of the Vice- Kingdom and the introduction of King Fernando VII of Napoleon.
In March, 1816. in Tucuman gathered representatives from several provinces. July 9 was proclaimed independence from Spain and the establishment of the United Provinces of South America (later United Provinces of Rio de la Plata ). Although the head of a new state arose supreme ruler, the Congress failed to agree on the form of government. Many of the delegates, especially the delegates from the city and province of Buenos Aires, were supporters of a constitutional monarchy. This position, which was later changed in favor of a centralized republican system, faced with opposition from the delegates from other provinces, which upheld a federal system of government. The debate between the two factions led to civil war 1819.
General Jose de San Martin led the army that defeated the Spanish. San Martin has made a significant contribution to the struggle for the independence of Argentina, Chile and Peru.
Peace was restored in 1820. However, the main issue, namely the establishment of a stable form of government was undecided. Over the next decade, the United Province experienced a state of anarchy, which contributed to the war with Brazil 1825- 27gg. Brazil was defeated in the conflict over territorial claims in the Uruguay. As a result of the conflict, Uruguay became an independent state.
Political turmoil came to an end in 1829. as a result of the election for the post of governor of United Provinces of Juan Manuel de Rosas. A supporter of federalism, Rosas has greatly enhanced the friendship between the provinces, so that got wide support. His influence spread to the United provinces, which were converted into Argentine Confederation. During the reign of Rosas resistance of the opposition was suppressed, and opposition groups have gone underground.
In 1883. Britain occupied the Malvinas Islands.
The dictatorial regime of Rosas was overthrown in 1852. group led by General Justo Urquiza, who previously served as governor of Entre Rios. The victory was achieved thanks to the assistance received from the General of Uruguay and Brazil. In 1853. Argentina's Constitution was adopted, and Urquiza became first president of the Republic of Argentina. The province of Buenos Aires has not acceded to the constitution and in 1854. declared its independence. The mutual hostility of the two states led to the 1859 war. The Argentine Republic quickly won, and in October 1859. Province of Buenos Aires joined the Constitution. However, it became the center of a new rebellion against the federal government, which broke out in 1861. Under the command of General Bartolome Mitre, defeated the rebels in September of that year, the national army. November 5 The President announced his resignation. In May next year, Mitra was elected by Congress to the presidency, and Buenos Aires became the capital of Argentina. As a result of these events Bunos Aires Province, the richest and most influential in the Soviet Union has achieved control over the rest of the country.
Riots in Uruguay led to intervention in the territory of Paraguay in Argentina in 1865. Thus began a bloody war of the Triple Alliance, which ended in victory for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay in 1870.
The next decade was marked by the conquest of Las Pampas, now known as the province of Rio Negro, in which the threat has been eliminated from the Aboriginal. This so-called Desert War (1879-1880) led by General Julio Roca opened the way to extensive areas favorable to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. In 1880. Roca, the enemy rise of Buenos Aires, was elected to the presidency. In the years following his victory in Buenos Aires was separated from the province and approved as the capital of Argentina and the Federal District.
As a result of a long border dispute with Chile in 1881. signed an agreement under which Argentina gained control on the part of the territory of the. Tierra del Fuego.
In 1895. another border conflict, now with Brazil, was handed over to the United States. Argentina has 65. 000 sq.. miles of new territory. In 1899. Argentina was plunged into a serious confrontation with Chile regarding the Patagonian border. The dispute was resolved in 1902. through the mediation of Great Britain and the establishment of active and completed today the border between Argentina and Chile.
During the 50 years following the 1880. Argentina has made significant economic and social success. In the first decade of the twentieth century, Argentina became one of the leading nations of South America.
In the early twentieth century, Argentina has become one of the richest countries in the world. The popularity of Argentina has increased with the arrival of millions of Europeans into the country. The social situation in Argentina has remained stable until 1930. When the coup erupted. Another military coup of 1943. led to the government of Juan Domingo Peron. Peron contributed to the spread and growth of the influence of industrial unions, the government raised the salaries of workers Peron. In 1946,. Peron was elected president of Argentina. Peron and his wife Eva ( Evita ), who led the implementation of social programs, enjoyed great popularity among the masses. However, the deteriorating economic situation in the country, Perón regime became increasingly autocratic. Attempts to secularize the state Peron led to conflict with the Catholic Church. Peron's regime was overthrown in 1955.
As a result of changing a series of military governments Peron in 1973. returned to power, but he died in 1974. , Leaving his second wife Isabel, who had no political experience. During her reign, the Marxist revolutionary wing Montoneros unleashed terorizm excuse of a military coup that took place in 1976. Then the army launched its own ... In 1981. General Videla in place, removed from power Isabel Peron, president of General Roberto Viola took. Less than a year later was replaced by General Viola Leopoldo Galtieri.
In 1982. in order to overcome the economic crisis Galtieri ordered Argentine army landing on the Malvinas Islands, the territory of which 1833. was occupied by Britain. To the surprise of the military government, the United Kingdom in the South Atlantic has sent its troops and three months later, the Argentine army was defeated and returned to the island of Great Britain. Galtieri resigned in 1983. as a result of democratic elections came to power, Raul Alfonsin, candidate of the Radical Civil Union. In an innings Alfonsin of Argentina 's economy has experienced a severe crisis with the highest level of inflation. In May, 1989. leader of the country, came to power by democratic means, was the son of Syrian immigrants, Carlos Saul Menem, the head of hustitsialistskoy ( Peronist ) Party. Prior to that Menem for 6 years served as chief executive.
Spent the first 18 months in power, Menem turned out to be very difficult. Since 1991. with the active participation of the Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo held the program of economic liberalization and free trade. As President Menem has made fundamental changes in Argentina's economy and political stability. In 1995,. Menem was re-elected president of Argentina. Election 1995. was the third democratic elections in the history of the country. Peronist Party, led by Menem, also won election to Congress and received a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. Despite some economic difficulties, Argentina has left behind the dark years of military dictatorship, the people of Argentina live in the developed democratic freedoms.
In 1999,. as president of Argentina was elected Fernando de la Rua, the candidate of the party Frepaso. Thus, in the history of Argentina, after Raúl Alfonsín and Carlos Menem (2 terms), Fernando de la Rua is the fourth president to be elected to office through democratic elections.
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суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.
A little history of Argentina
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